Our Values

Given the stakes and the nature of the issues at play in the areas where we operate, at SOLF, we have developed our approaches around steadfast values. These values reflect how SOLF nurtures its relationships with its collaborators, clients, and its environment. At SOLF, the following values shape our culture:

Professional rigor :

Operational practices within SOLF rely on the ability to meet set objectives, respect deadlines, pay attention to details, fulfill commitments, and foster positive communication.

Compliance with ethical principles :

We conduct our actions always mindful of the obligation to uphold principles of confidentiality, transparency, objectivity, and integrity.

Client satisfaction :

We prioritize the satisfaction of all our clients by effectively meeting their expectations. To achieve this, we implement value-creating strategies that respect individuals and are rooted in a human dimension based on listening and authenticity.

Teamwork :

The existence and continuity of SOLF are the result of collective success based on conviction, commitment, and the mobilization of all team members. We believe that ambitious goals can only be achieved through collective intelligence.

Consistency :

Consistency between actions and words. We do what we say, and we say what we do."